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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestThe Uprising of Zahedan: Rejecting the Regime of Execution

The Uprising of Zahedan: Rejecting the Regime of Execution


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Today, after Friday prayers, the people of Zahedan took to the streets to demonstrate. They voiced their anger and abhorrence towards the criminal executions, particularly the execution of three uprising prisoners, with slogans declaring their rejection of the execution regime. Among the chants were “We don’t want the execution government, we don’t want it,” “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the Leader,” “Shame on Khamenei, let go of the country,” “I will avenge my martyred brother’s blood,” “Death to this theocracy for so many years of crime,” “Even though we don’t have guns, we fight bravely”, “Basiji IRGC, you are our ISIS”, “Political prisoners should be freed”, “From Zahedan to Tehran, bloody all over Iran,” and “Freedom of freedom, freedom”.

The protesters held signs conveying messages such as “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the Leader,” “Monarchy, Theocracy: A Century of Crime,” “Neither crown nor turban, the regime’s time is over”, “Neither monarchy nor leadership, democracy and equality,” and “Monarchy and Theocracy: A Century of Crime.”

They also expressed solidarity with Molavi Abdul Ghaffar Naqshbandi, the former Sunni Imam in Rask, who recently stated, “Any treacherous mullah, scholar, or general who advocates pursuing demands through legal means is betraying the blood of our homeland’s martyrs… This corrupt system cannot be reformed… I say to the bloodthirsty Khamenei… You don’t need to send messengers and delegations to Baluchistan, mocking the Baluch people. We will fight for our rights ourselves and take it back from you.”

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), commended the courageous uprising of the Baluch compatriots in Zahedan, highlighting that the Iranian people’s response to brutal executions is to rise up and overthrow the religious dictatorship. The brave youth of Zahedan reiterated their commitment to continue the uprising until the establishment of democracy and the sovereignty of the Iranian people. Their slogan, “We swear on the blood of our comrades, we will persist until the end,” along with signs reading “Monarchy and Theocracy: A Century of Crime,” symbolized their unwavering determination.


Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

May 19, 2023