Tens of thousands in Tehran honor memory of uprising victims

Nationwide uprising in Iran – Statement 127

NCRI – According to the Social headquarters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) inside Iran, tens of thousands of people in Tehran gathered today at Behesht-e Zahra cemetery to honor the memory of the Iranian uprising’s victims, marking the 40th day after the June 20 uprising. Protestors chanted: “Death to dictator,” and “God is great.”

The demonstrations took place despite the presence of thousands of Iranian regime suppressive forces, including the paramilitary Bassij Force, the State Security Forces (SSF), and plainclothes agents, who were marshaled to quell the protests.

Women are at the forefront of the demonstrations. As protestors faced attacks by the regime’s suppressive forces, chants of “Our Neda is not dead; the government is dead;” were heard.

In addition to Besht-e Zahra cemetery, many other locations in Tehran are scenes of similar protests by the people, who clash with suppressive forces. These areas include Mosalla, Vali Asr Square and Vali Asr Street, Enghelab Square and Enghelab Street, and Kargar Street. At Vali Asr Street, as of 19:15 local time, thousands were taking part in protests.

Suppressive forces have been stationed in many parts of Tehran and search vehicles, which have caused heavy traffic.

The movement and organization of suppressive forces, including anti-riot forces, the SSF, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the Bassij, and plainclothes agents started in the afternoon around Mosalla, Enghelab Square and Vanak Square.

The so-called Zahra Bassij base located near Hor Square has been put on full alert since yesterday afternoon. The so-called Rasoul base on Azadi Street is responsible for confronting protests at Azadi Square and Azadi Street. SSF special forces are sending out units to various parts from their base at the command center of the Greater Tehran’s Traffic Police located at the Navab Safavi and Azadi juncture.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 30, 2009


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