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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestTehran residents chant "Death to dictator"

Tehran residents chant “Death to dictator”

September 18, 2009 - TehranNCRI – Massive crowd of people are marching toward Tehran University from various areas of the capital on Friday, according to reports by the Social Headquarters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran inside the country.
At Jamalzadeh intersection, near Enghelab Street, the participants in the rally are chanting “Death to dictator” and “Free all political prisoners.”  The State Security Forces are preventing them from moving forward.

September 18, 2009 - TehranNCRI – Massive crowd of people are marching toward Tehran University from various areas of the capital on Friday, according to reports by the Social Headquarters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran inside the country.
At Jamalzadeh intersection, near Enghelab Street, the participants in the rally are chanting “Death to dictator” and “Free all political prisoners.”  The State Security Forces are preventing them from moving forward.

In Vali Asr Square people are chanting: “The blood in our veins is a gift to our nation,” “Iranians will die but will not give in to humiliation.”

In Daneshgah Street toward Vali Asr Square, water cannons are stationed and police vehicles are there to take away the detained protestors. Suppressive forces have stationed a number of empty buses in the middle of the streets to prevent the crowd from moving that direction.

In Rezaii-ha Square and surrounding areas people are heard chanting “Government of coup d'état, resign resign.” In order to suppress people a number snipers are stationed around the square. The plainclothes agents have arrested a number of demonstrators in this square.

In Palestine Street near Tehran University people were demonstrating holding placards “If I rise, if you rise, everyone will rise.”

Dneshjoo Park and Fatemi Street are under siege by the regime’s agents. There have been reports of sporadic clashes near Vali Asr square and Keshavarz Boulevard in Tehran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 18, 2009