Tehran: Protests and clashes in Tehran despite clampdown

Nationwide uprising in Iran – Statement 34

Tehran: Protests and clashes in Tehran despite clampdown by suppressive forces
Shiraz: Anti-riot forces fire on crowds, scores wounded

NCRI – A group of university students, wearing symbolic death gowns, gathered outside Tehran University on Sunday. Suppressive forces attacked them ruthlessly. The students dispersed into side roads in order to reach the main gathering point in Enghelab Square.

Nationwide uprising in Iran – Statement 34

Tehran: Protests and clashes in Tehran despite clampdown by suppressive forces
Shiraz: Anti-riot forces fire on crowds, scores wounded

NCRI – A group of university students, wearing symbolic death gowns, gathered outside Tehran University on Sunday. Suppressive forces attacked them ruthlessly. The students dispersed into side roads in order to reach the main gathering point in Enghelab Square.

At 16.00 local time, people gathered in the vicinity of Vanak Square, 7-Tir-Fatemi-Enghelab. The regime sent helicopters over the city center to locate gatherings.

A number of young people have gathered in Sadeghiyeh Square of Ariyashar in Tehran, and the crowd is constantly getting bigger.

Since 16.00 mobile phone service has been cut off in a large section of Tehran, to a point where it has become difficult for people to contact each other inside the capital.

Anti-riot forces have surrounded the area between Azadi Square and Enghelab Square and have significantly tightened security. The security forces do not allow pedestrians in this region, in particular in Enghelab Square, to stop for even one minute.

In Shiraz, thousands of people have gathered since the morning in various parts of the city including in streets leading to Falakeh Daneshjoo, Alam Square, Saadi Avenue, and Chamran Blvd. They have gathered in groups of 200 and are engaged in hit and run clashes with anti-riot forces. The regime's agents opened fire on people, wounding many. The clashes continue to take place.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 21, 2009

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