Tehran prosecutor: Six detained since Ashura uprising sentenced to death



Iran Fire Festival protests – 1 

International call to save the lives of political prisoners and those detained during uprisings

NCRI – On the brink of Fire Festival, Tehran prosecutor Abbas Jaafari announced Sunday evening that six had been sentenced to death charged with participating in Ashura protests on December 27. By resorting to intimidation and threats and creating a reign of terror, he was trying in vain to prevent people from participating in the uprising during the Fire Festival.

He deplored the "deviant slogans and continued rallies with no reason and taking advantage of every occasion to stage anti-regime protests," and said that the judiciary had adopted a "strict and firm policy to deal with individuals who go out into the streets to attack the foundations of the regime." He stressed that the judiciary "introduced much harsher measures in the course of investigations and detentions after the events of Ashura."

He tried in a hollow and ridiculous show of force to cover up weaknesses and the crises facing the regime by saying, "Today, the Islamic system has quelled the opponents and protesters with strength and authority and people will not allow such incidents to take place once again in the country."

The Iranian Resistance warns against execution of protesters detained on the day of Ashura. It calls on all international human rights organizations, including the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, UN Special Rapporteur on arbitrary detentions, torture and executions, to take urgent measures to save the six sentenced to death and to get all political prisoners released.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 15, 2010


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