Tehran Imam Hossein and Ferdowsi Squares – Scenes of Demonstrations and Clashes

Nationwide uprising – Ashura 2

People chanting “This month is the month of bloodshed, Seyed Ali (Khamanei) will be overthrown”

NCRI – Large number of people are demonstrating in Tehran today that starting at Ferdowsi Square. They are chanting “Death to dictator” and “this is the months of bloodshed, Seyed Ali (Khamanei) will be overthrown” and they are moving towards Enqelab Square.

Also a clash between massive number of people who have gathered in Imam Hossein Square and the oppressive forces has been reported. Regime agents and motorists from Special Guards Unit are trying to disperse people using batons and teargas. They have closed all streets and roads leading to Imam Hossein Square and are stopping people from moving that direction. They attacked and beat intensely the mourners of the Shiite ritual, Ashura. Nevertheless, people are moving towards Enqelab Square pushing aside suppressive forces who are trying to stop them.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 26, 2009

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