Suppressive forces flee scene of clashes with brave youths at Ferdowsi Square

June 2010 Uprising – 9

NCRI – At about 19:00 local time, protestors saved a woman from being arrested by paramilitary Bassij Force members at Ferdowsi Square in Tehran. The demonstrators chanted, “Bassiji, get lost,” “We don’t want traitors as police,” and “death to [mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali] Khamenei.”

As the clashes continued, in order to face off with the security forces, demonstrators set fire to garbage containers at both points of Ferdowsi Square (towards Enqelab Square and Imam Hossein Square). State Security Forces (SSF) decided to flee the scene as they did not have the ability to confront the courageous youths. However, the SSF continued to identify the main locations of protests using helicopters. At 21:00, the SSF attacked Ferdowsi from Fisher-Abad and dispersed the population at the square.

At about 20:30 people had a difficult time seeing their way around at Taleqani Street as a result of a huge cloud of tear gas engulfing the area.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 12, 2010

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