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Suppressive forces clash with demonstrators in sections of Tehran

March 1 Uprising – No. 4

Demonstrators chant: Freedom, freedom, freedom

NCRI – In Enghelab Street, security forces attacked demonstrators who were chanting “freedom, freedom” with pepper gas and electric shockers. At Enqelab Square, a large crowd gathered. At least three protesters have been arrested. Near the square, in Dr. Gharib Street, demonstrators clashed with suppressive forces.

At Vali-Asr Intersection demonstrators resisted suppressive forces who were attacking them by chanting “Death to Dictator”.

In Freedom Street passage toward Jomhouri was blocked and suppressive forces used tear gas; sporadic clashes are reported.

Close to Imam Hussein Square, cries of demonstrators who are being attacked by suppressive forces can be heard.

At Haft-e Tir Square, clashes spread to the side streets.

Firdausi Street is closed and vehicles continuously blow their horns.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 1, 2011