Students demonstrated chanting “This month is the month of blood; the dictatorship shall fall”

Students demonstrated chanting "This month is the month of blood; the dictatorship shall fall" June 2010 Uprising – No. 15

Clashes broke out between students and suppressive forces

NCRI – Courageous students of Tehran University demonstrated in Amirabad Street, Forsat intersection, at around 8 pm on Tuesday. Students chanted "Death to Khamenei" and "Khordad (current Persian calendar) is the month of blood; the dictatorship shall fall". Students and the people supporting them clashed with the intelligence and plainclothes agents who attacked them. In these clashes 9 students were injured and another 18 arrested.

In another gathering in front of university dormitories in northern Amirabad at 10 pm students chanted the same slogans. Suppressive forces assaulted the students but they faced their resistance. These clashes continued through till late hours.

The demonstrations took place while the suppressive forces, on Tuesday, tried to prevent popular protests from taking shape. At around 6:30 pm, herds of plainclothes, together with agents from the security forces stopped the vehicles that were carrying young passengers arresting all the youths in those vehicles for vain reasons. No information is available on those arrested.

To create an atmosphere of terror, helicopters of the suppressive forces hovered over various districts of Tehran, especially city's central districts.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 16, 2010

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