Strikes and Protest Rallies in Different Cities Across Iran


Iran Uprising- No. 75

The protests and strikes of factory workers and other poor strata as well as workers of the services sections and those looted by the institutions affiliated to the Revolutionary Guards Corps(IRGC), the judiciary and other oppressive bodies continued on Tuesday February 6, 2018 to secure their violated rights. Some of these protests are as follows:

1. In Mahshahr, an onslaught of repressive law enforcement officers to arrest an individual led to conflict between his relatives and forces. Courageous youth of the area reacted with stone and wood to deal with agents.

2. In TEhran, Khavar Shahr Basij station, District 15 (beginning of Khavaran Street) was burned down.

3. In Malayer, the central branch of Refah Bank, located on Qa’im Maghami Street was burned down.

4. In Shush, Haft Tapeh sugar cane workers continued their strike for the seventh consecutive day. Following the prevention of the workers from entering the factory’s furnace area by the repressive security forces, the workers went to the storage area and prevented the exit of sugar trains and unloaded some of them. The workers did not pay attention to the deputy general manager’s deceptive words and said they would continue their strike until their demands are met. In fear of spreading workers’ protests to the city, the regime has dispatched its forces from Shush to this factory.

5. In Tehran, a protest gathering of workers of 200 Kian Tire was held in front of the building of the Ministry of Industries and Mines. Workers surrounded by several layers of anti-insurgency forces and clandestine security agents chanted, “do not be afraid, do not be afraid, we are all together”. In addition to protesting non-payment of monthly salaries, four years of salary bonus and three years of New Year’s bonus, workers protested the failure of the minister’s promises to grant loans to the factory to solve its problems. The 400 retired workers of the factory are also demanding payment of their retirement period.

6. In Divandareh in Kurdistan province, dozens of the workers of the contracting firm for the water supply and irrigation network of the Siazakh dam, gathered in Kurdistan Provincial Governor’s Office to protest against the failure to pay 9 months of their salary. The deceptive promises of the managing director of the Kurdistan Regional Water Company have not had any result so far.

7. in Rezvan Shahr (Gilan Province), Shafarood dam workers who have not received their salary since seven months ago, once again went on strike again.

8. In Tehran, gathering of the drivers of the Sepidar Posht Housing Cooperative Company in front of the city council and the municipality of Tehran enters its second week. These residential units are semi-built and abandoned. The drivers chanted: if the embezzlement is lowered, our problems would be resolved; I will die, I will die, until I get my housing.

9. In Tehran, the people plundered by the Iranian Arman Alborz Institute, staged a protest at Baharestan square, in front of the regime’s parliament, chanting the slogans: What did you do with our money? A group of protesters came to Tehran from Ahwaz.

10. In Tehran, people looted by Caspian state institution gathered in front of the institution central branch on the African street. They chanted: government embezzlement, is the last indignity, the Caspian theft, the government backed. The looted people then march to the Alvand branch of the institution.

11. In Tehran, the people looted by Caspian Alvand Branch gathered in front of the institution, throwing eggs and tomatoes towards the building.

12. in Tehran, the people looted by institutions Afzal Toos, Arman Vahdat and Vali Asr gathered in front of the regime’s parliament, and chanted slogans, “death to Seif (the head of the Central Bank)”, and “you misused Islam, you frustrated the people”.

13. In Rasht, people looted by Caspian Institution gathered opposite its Golsar Branch. The crowd, which included a large number of women, chanted slogans: looting is enough, pockets of people are empty; a bankrupt government is sitting on our money; death to this government of deception, fighting, dying, taking back our money. They marched to the governor’s office after throwing eggs; paint; tomatoes and vegetables at the Caspin building.

14. In Babol, a group of people looted by Caspian institution gathered inside one of the branches of the institution. They chanted: “Death to Seif”.

15. In Tabriz, a group of people whose lands were confiscated by the regime’s Army Aviation gathered in front of the city’s endowment administration. The regime’s officials have been refusing to respond to the objections of the owners for the past 20 years.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 8, 2018

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