Some 150 people arrested within one hour

Some 150 people arrested within one hourFebruary 11 uprising – Statement no. 17

NCRI – State Security Forces (SSF) in Greater Tehran stationed all units from the Khomeini Brigade of its Special Forces near the local headquarters in Marvdhasht Street near Qasr Prison, and from there units were dispatched to suppress the protests.

This brigade, which is part of the logistical forces of the SSF Special Forces in Greater Tehran, was responsible for protecting northern and central Tehran, and the Revolutionary Guards forces were responsible for guarding Azadi Square and Azadi and Enghelab streets.

Revolutionary Guard Brig. Gen. Tavaf, commander of the SSF Special Forces, on Wednesday debriefed all his forces and reiterated that protestors must at all costs be “swept away” and arrested since it would otherwise the entire regime will be discredited. The large-scale arrests thoroughout the capital have taken place in this regard.

In Haft-Tir, Enghelab and Mossaddegh squares some 150 people were arrested within an hour. In one case in Haft Tir (Rezaiha) Square, when passengers in a Peugeot vehicle protested the detention of their relative, the entire family was arrested. In Mossaddeq Square 5 female passengers of a vehicle were arrested.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 11, 2010

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