Skirmishes in Tehran’s Jomhouri Street

June 2010 Uprising – 5

At least 8 men and women arrested in Azerbaijan Street

NCRI – At about 14:45 local time, Tehran residents in Jomhouri Street, near Hafez Bridge, clashed with suppressive forces while chanting “God is great,” “death to dictator,” “death to Khamenei,” and “Khamenei shame on you, let go of our country.” The incident took place following an attack by State Security Forces (SSF) on a middle-aged woman chanting “Death to dictator.”

A group of protesters were attacked near Azerbaijan Street when they were chanting anti-regime slogans. At least 8 were arrested and taken away by the suppressive agents.

There were skirmishes at about 16:00 near Haft-e Tir Square (Rezai-ha Square) and Karim-Khan Street. People were also chanting “Death to Bassiji” and “death to dictator” in Shahrak-e Gharb district. Groups of people have been moving toward Ferdowsi and Vali Asr Squares and Karim-Khan Street. A group of people were chanting anti-regime slogans at Taleqani-Vali Asr junction. Additional information will be provided in due course.

At 14:00, all trash bins in the 16-Azar Street were removed and the number of agents on motorcycles increased.

At 15:15, a group of plainclothes agents and special anti-riot forces were transferred to the Ministry of Labor compounds as there was not enough space for them in Azadi Street’s Traffic Administration Office. Among the main gathering centers for special anti-riot forces are Department of Water located in Keshavarz Blvd, and a parking lot in Ferdowsi Square.

At 16:15, some 250 suppressive agents on motorcycles were roaming on their motorcycles in Azadi St. between Azadi and Enqelab squares. In order to create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation they were yelling out and chanting slogans.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 12, 2010

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