Simultaneous With Khomeini’s Death Anniversary, Defiant Youth Target Centers of Plunder and Repression in Tehran and Other Cities

Simultaneous with Khomeini's death anniversary, defiant youth target centers of plunder and repression in Tehran and other cities
Tehran and various other cities- Setting alight Khomeini and Khamenei’s photos on the anniversary of Khomeini’s death- May 31 to June 3, 2020-4

While the security situation in the cities has increased these days due to Khomeini’s death anniversary, and at the height of public discontent against the regime’s incompetence, plunder, and repression, the defiant youth, outraged over the current situation, set fire to the centers of repression and plunder of the clerical regime in various cities, demonstrating to the regime the prospects of protests and the mullahs’ downfall.

Some of these activities include:

Isfahan – Torching the entrances of anti-human Basij centers in different areas, setting fire to the entrance of Khomeini Educational and Scientific Complex affiliated to the center of plunder and theft, known as “Martyr’s Foundation,” as well as targeting the plunder and corruption foundation affiliated to the regime Supreme Leader

Karaj – Khamenei’s poster at the entrance of one of the centers of the State Security Force;

Quchan – Setting fire to Qassem Soleimani’s banner;

Garmsar – Torching the entrance sign of the center for training and recruiting terrorism;

Neyshabur – Setting fire to the entrance sign of the Revolutionary Guards mobilization unit

Abadan – Setting alight Khomeini’s effigy;

Mashhad – Torching the entrance of the clerical regime’s center for recruiting and training terrorism, and targeting a branch of foundation affiliated with the regime’s supreme leader;

Lahijan – Setting fire to the banner of the eliminated commander of the terrorist Quds Force, Qassem Soleimani; and

Dezful – Setting fire to pictures of Khamenei and Qassem Soleimani

In addition to the above activities, in celebrating Khomeini’s death anniversary,  from May 31 to June 3, 2020, defiant youths set fire to Khomeini’s and Khamenei’s photographs in various cities, including Tehran, Mashhad, Ahvaz, Tabriz, Rudsar, Kerman, Rasht, Karaj, Kermanshah Yazd, Urmia, Nowshahr, Mazandaran, Sirjan, Qom, Qazvin, Lorestan, Bandar Anzali, Hashtpar, Khaf, Behbahan, Shushtar, Rudbar, Varamin, Shiraz, Javanroud, Ardabil, Hamedan, Zahedan, Bandar Abbas, and Shahriar.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

June 4, 2020

Dezful- May 27, 2020
Isfahan- Center for plunder known as Martyr’s Foundation -June 1, 2020
Isfahan- Center for plunder of the clerical regime- June 3, 2020
Isfahan- Center for the repressive Basij force- May 28, 2020
Isfahan- Torching the entrance and the sign of the repressive Basij center- May 29, 2020
Karaj- Setting alight, Khamenei’s graffiti on the repressive Basij center
Lahijan- Setting alight Qassem Soleimani’s banner- June 3, 2020
Mashhad-Center of training and recruiting terrorism- June 3, 2020
Neyshabur- Repressive Basij force center- May 30, 2020
Quchan- Setting fire on Qassem Soleimani’s banner- May 28, 2020
Tehran and various other cities- Setting alight Khomeini and Khamenei’s photos on the anniversary of Khomeini’s death- May 31 to June 3, 2020
Tehran and various other cities- Setting alight Khomeini and Khamenei’s photos on the anniversary of Khomeini’s death- May 31 to June 3, 2020
Tehran and various other cities- Setting alight Khomeini and Khamenei’s photos on the anniversary of Khomeini’s death- May 31 to June 3, 2020
Tehran and various other cities- Setting alight Khomeini and Khamenei’s photos on the anniversary of Khomeini’s death- May 31 to June 3, 2020-4
Tehran and various other cities- Setting alight Khomeini and Khamenei’s photos on the anniversary of Khomeini’s death- May 31 to June 3, 2020
Tehran and various other cities- Setting alight Khomeini and Khamenei’s photos on the anniversary of Khomeini’s death- May 31 to June 3, 2020


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