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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestSevere clashes in various parts of Tehran

Severe clashes in various parts of Tehran

Fire Festival – No. 4

Roar of “Death to Khamenei”, “Death to dictator” and “Mubarak, Ben Ali, turn for Seyyed Ali” filled the air in Tehran

NCRI – In Ariya-shahr Square, Tehran, suppressive forces attacked hundreds of people who were shouting “Mubarak, Ben Ali, turn for Seyyed Ali” with teargas. Many of the youth were arrested and taken to unknown location. In Ferdous Aryah-shahr Boulevard, people chanted “Allah is Great”.

In Roudaki Street and Ferdous Square, severe clashes broke out between people and the IRGC and the Basij forces. People chanted “Death to Dictator” and “Death to Khamenei” and confronted savage assaults of suppressive forces by throwing firecrackers and handmade grenades at them.

In Eskandari Street, the youth threw sonic grenades under the feet of the Basij forces on motorbikes and shouted “Mubarak, Ben Ali, turn for Seyyed Ali”.

In Ekbatan district, people in large groups chanted slogans against the regime. They defended themselves by throwing stones at the security forces that attacked them. In Phase I District of Ekbatan, a number of trash bins were set ablaze. In Western Township protesters who had made large bon fires confronted the assaults of the motorcycle-riding Basij forces.

In Satarkhan and Arya-shahr districts, suppressive forces prevented movement of vehicles and motorbikes arresting a number of their passengers. In protest to the arrest of the youth, people chanted “Allah is Great”.

In Safa  Street, at Imam Hussein Square people threw firecrackers and shouted anti-regime slogans. In Northern Eskandari Street the youth shouted “Death to dictator” and set pictures of Khamenei on fire.

In Afsariyeh district, herds of Basij force cracked down on the people. In Haft Hoz in Narmak district the youths gathered and shouted “Death to dictator”.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 15, 2011