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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestSecond Week of Abadan’s Uprising, Protests in Eight Cities Reported

Second Week of Abadan’s Uprising, Protests in Eight Cities Reported


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Second Week of Abadan’s Uprising,

Solidarity Protests in Semnan, Kermanshah, Kazerun, Bushehr, Shadegan, Izeh, Fasa, and Naziabad District in Tehran

Protesters Chant: “Death to Khamenei,” “Death to the Dictator,” and “Our Enemy Is Here. They (State) Lie Saying It’s America”

On Monday evening, May 30, protests by the people of Abadan against the mullahs entered their second week. The protests began last week after the ten-story Metropole building collapsed due to the regime officials’ plundering and corruption, resulting in at least 36 killed and dozens injured, due to the regime’s inaction in saving the lives of the people under the rubble. The State Security Force (SSF) and the Special Units sought to prevent people from gathering by opening fire at them and firing tear gas, but the rebellious youth repelled them and continued their protests.

In the Naziabad district in Tehran, the youth took to the streets in solidarity with the Abadan uprising, chanting, “Death to Khamenei.” They repelled the regime’s repressive forces. At the same time, the spectators in Azadi Soccer Stadium in Tehran shouted Abadan Abadan, showing solidarity with Abadan’s uprising.

Terrified of the spread of the uprising, the clerical regime deployed its repressive forces in the cities of Khuzestan Province, arrested hundreds of youths, and cut off or slowed down the Internet in Abadan, Ahvaz, Khorramshahr and other cities in the province.

On the eighth night of the Abadan uprising, demonstrations, gatherings, and morning ceremonies continued in different cities. The youths of Kermanshah demonstrated in support of the people of Abadan in the streets and chanted, “Condolences to Abadan.” In Fasa and Kazerun, people held solidarity ceremonies. In Bushehr, young people took to the streets, chanting, “Death to the dictator,” “Condolences to Abadan,” and “Our enemy is right here. They lie saying it’s America.” In some streets, they blocked the roads by burning tires. In a large demonstration in the streets of Shadegan, the youths expressed their solidarity with the people of Abadan. protests were also held in Izeh to support Abadan, and the protesters blocked some roads as well.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

May 31, 2022