Rouhani Blames Protesting Investors, Saying Central Bank Cannot Provide Money for Earthquake Relief


Following a meeting between the head of Iran’s three branches, regime President Hassan Rouhani, accompanied by parliamentary chief Ali Larijani and judiciary chief Sadeq Larijani, had the audacity to blame protesting investors who have lost their entire savings to state-run financial institutes.

“The people should be careful and place their money in banks and institutions that are well known and trusted, and doubt those entities that promise high profits,” he said on Saturday.

Rouhani, alongside Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and other senior regime officials, is one of the main thieves of the Iranian people’s money.

“The Central Bank has its limitations, too, and one cannot say use the Central Bank’s for such purposes,” he said. This comes after a year of empty promises.

“A large portion of the problem will be resolved if from now on, these entities only receive their permits from the Central Bank and be placed under complete surveillance,” he added.

Rouhani’s audacious remarks were made at a time that Iran’s own officials and state-run media have reported more than 5,000 economic institutions have plundered the people’s money, are owned by the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), the paramilitary Bassij, police and other entities, all enjoying permits from the Central Bank that is controlled by Rouhani himself. These institutions control 10 to 25 percent of the country’s liquidity.

Ali Vaqfchi, a member of Iran’s parliament, cited the head of Caspian Institute, an entity with a permit from Iran’s Central Bank.

“More than 2.2 million people have invested in this institution. Meaning there are around 8.7 million people related to the Caspian in some way. This is 10 percent of the country’s population,” he said. “The police has instructed regional officials across the country to install Caspian signs instead of other institutions.”

The scope of this state-run plundering is extremely drastic that another member of parliament made shocking remarks in this regard.

“One has to be deaf not to hear the innocent cries of those who invested in financial institutions, and blind not to see the people’s inadequate living and employment conditions… due to the officials’ incompetence, the people’s daily problems are turning into anti-government slogans,” said Azadikhah to the IRGC-affiliated Fars news agency.

Rouhani’s preposterous remarks insulting millions of men, women, young and old, showed once again that this regime and all its factions and officials are involved in plundering the Iranian people’s savings. The solution lies in overthrowing this medieval regime and only then will the Iranian people have any hope of experiencing freedom, democracy and welfare.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 14, 2017

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