Residents of Behbahan Clash With the Revolutionary Guards; Three Protesters Killed and Several Wounded

Residents of Behbahan Clash With the Revolutionary Guards; Three Protesters Killed and Several Wounded

IRAN: Uprising against gasoline price hike – No. 5

Last night and today, November 16, 2019, the brave people of Behbahan (southwest Khuzestan Province) staged protests against gasoline price hike and chanted slogans against the regime’s leaders.

The suppressive State Security Force, the Revolutionary Guards and criminal plainclothes agents assisting them attacked the protesters. They opened fire on the crowd, killing three young men and wounding many more. Clashes spread to many parts of the city, where the protesters set fire to several regime centers, including the Melli Bank.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

November 16, 2019

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