Regime’s Former Vice President: the Fight Between Rouhani, the IRGC, the Intelligence and the Judiciary Is a Fake Fight


Iran Uprising – No. 81

New confessions about the number of detained protesters

The regime’s former first vice president acknowledged in an unprecedented manner yesterday (Wednesday, February 14) that as far as suppression and repression is considered, there is no difference between the regime’s various factions.

Hamid Baghai said: “The Presidential institution, the IRGC intelligence, the Ministry of Intelligence … These are all the same… Swear to God, these are the same. Their quarrels are fake fights. The IRGC intelligence and Mr. Rouhani’s government are on the same sheet. The ministry of intelligence is also the same. The judiciary is also the same. These are all acts to fool the people. “

Referring to the martyrdom of prisoners under torture, he said: “The person is taken to the prison and dies there; if he has committed suicide, the judiciary is responsible … When we protest, they say you were linked with the PMOI/MEK.”

On the other hand, Mullah Alam Al-Hoda, Khamenei’s representative and a member of the Assembly of Experts in Mashhad, admitted in an interview with FARS news agency (affiliated to IRGC) on Wednesday, February14 that “Only in Mashhad, 850 people were arrested during the January uprising.” In a clear reference to the PMOI, he said “40 to 50 people were ringleaders.” Whereas the deputy prosecutor of Mashhad had said on January 3, “In total, 138 people were arrested in Mashhad disturbances” in order to cover the widespread arrests.

On January 11, just two weeks after the January uprising, the Iranian Resistance announced in statement No. 45 that at least 8,000, most of whom are young people, were arrested during the uprising throughout Iran. At least 12 people have been killed under torture. The regime has declared the cause of their death as “suicide” or “non-availability of narcotics” or “excessive usage of narcotics”. A spokesman for the Legal and Judicial Commission of Majlis said ridiculously: “These people have died in grief of what they have done, or they have committed suicide in prison after thinking about the wickedness of their deeds.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 15, 2018

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