Rajavi: Popular uprising a stamp of rejection of sham election, display of Iranians’ determination t

National Council of Resistance of Iran


NCRI- Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, described the uprising by the Iranian people which continued throughout Saturday till late evening as the culmination of the widespread boycott of the mullahs' elections. The nationwide uprising and brave resistance by the youths against the brutal repression of the suppressive forces, and chants of 'Iranians do not accept disgrace' and 'death to the dictator', which could be heard all over the world, were a stamp of rejection of the mullahs' sham election, she said.

Referring to the fact that the regime's officials had admitted the protests had nothing to do with any of the candidates, Mrs. Rajavi said the protestors, like the vast majority of Iranians, are opposed to the clerical regime in its entirety and their courageous demonstration was a further clear sign of the readiness and will of Iranian society to uproot the religious dictatorship and establish freedom and democracy.

Mrs. Rajavi urged young people across Iran to come to the support of the protestors. She called on the international community and human rights organizations to condemn the brutal suppression of the anti-government protestors and take urgent action to save the lives of hundreds of young people who were arrested on Saturday. Today nothing can justify negotiating with and appeasing this medieval regime, and such actions are strongly condemned by the Iranian people, she said.

On Saturday, Tehran and most Iranian cities, including Shiraz, Isfahan, Mashhad, Zahedan, Babol, Qazvin, Sari, Karaj, Tabriz, Shahsavar, Orumieh, Bandar Abbas, Arak, Birjend, and Dezful, were the scene of popular protests by angry young Iranians against the religious dictatorship ruling Iran, and in many cases the protests continued throughout the night. The protestors seek the overthrow of the mullahs' dictatorship including all its factions. Agents of the Revolutionary Guards and suppressive State Security Force (SSF) and anti-riot forces attacked the protestors, injuring many and arresting hundreds of people.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 14, 2009

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