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Protests were held at 25 points throughout Tehran with 3-5 thousand at each point on July 9

Protests were held at 25 points throughout Tehran with 3-5 thousand at each point on July 9Iran Nationwide Uprisings- Number 96

The regime's efforts to prevent the use of the slogan "death to Khamenei" was unsuccessful

NCRI – Accroding to reports from the Social Headquarters of the PMOI inside Iran, Pasdar General Hejazi, the Deputy of the Revolutionary Guards Corps and Pasdar General Fazli, the head of the "Seyyed al-Shohada" Brigade in the "Sarallah" Base commanded the suppressive operations of the mullahs' regime in efforts to prevent protests from being held to mark the 27th day of the nationwide uprisings and commemorate the 10th anniversary of the 1999 student uprising, on July 9, 2009.  Even though Khamenei had placed all forces under the command of the "Sarallah" Base to be able to prevent protests from being held, the people of Tehran broke this suppressive barrier and held protests throughout Tehran.

The Revolutionary Guards, Bassij Forces, Ministry of Intelligence and Security, State Security Forces, Anti-riot forces, plain clothes agents, "NOPO" (Defenders of the Supreme Leader's Special Forces) took part in this vast operation. NOPO is Khamenei's private army.  The "Sarallah" base and NOPO units have their own independent motor units.

In addition, the terrorist Qods Force units also came to the scene in different areas of Tehran to suppress young protestors.  The commander of the "Sarallah" Base in Tehran stated in his report to higher officials in the regime, which the Social Headquarters of the PMOI has been able to obtain, that on July 9 there were protests and gatherings held in 25 points throughout Tehran, which were attended by thousands at each.

According to this report, in Northern Kargar Street and Vanak Square there were over 5,000 protestors, and in the other 23 points the protestors were about three to four thousand strong.  Some of the protests mentioned in this report took place in Enghelab Square, Azadi Street, Enghelab Street, Tehran University, Keshavarz Boulevard, Vessal Street, Ferdowsi Square, a few points throughout Vali Asr Street, Fatemi Square, Daneshjoo Park, Laleh Park, Jaleh Street, Fakhr Razi Street, Taleghani Street, Towhid Street, and Sattarkhan Street.

This report does not mention protests held in tens of places throughout Tehran, including Toopkhaneh Square, Raah Ahan Square, Imam Hossein Square, and Mirdamad, where the number of protestors ranged between a few hundred to a few thousand and marched to join larger protests in other areas of Tehran.

The slogans of the protestors were focused on Khamenei and chants of "Death to Khamenei", "Khamenei coy, let go your reign" and "Shah Monarch Supreme Leader, your death has come" shook the regime.

According to reports from the Social Headquarters of the PMOI in Iran, agents of the intelligence ministry, Bassij and plainclothes agents were assigned to infiltrate the protests and prevent people from chanting death to Khamenei, and tried to deviate these slogans with religious and non-religious slogans.  This method was used by the regime's forces in Vali Asr intersection, Tehran University, the Southern part of Enghelab Square, Fatemi Square, Jaleh Street toward Azadi, Fakhr Razi, Sattar Khan, Keshavarz Boulevard, but each time the youths' chants of Death to Khamenei grew louder.

The Elite Unit of the State Security Forces, the Revolutionary Guards, Bassij units, plainclothes agents attacked protestors brutally with all sorts of weapons and equipment and constantly fired tear gas, but protestors and particularly youth pushed suppressive forces back by throwing stones and tried to confront the tear gas and pepper spray by burning tires and trash cans.
Suppressive forces tried to disperse protestors before dark but people resisted through hit and run attacks. These clashes continued until 9:30 pm, people took to the rooftops immediately and chanted death to dictator and God is great louder than previous nights.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
11 July 2009