Protests in various cities

Téhéran, 12 juin 2010 June 2010 Uprising – 12

NCRI – At about 19:00 local time, Mashhad University students staged a demonstration in Mellat Park while being supported by local residents. The crowd that reached about 3,000 chanted “Death to dictator.” The protest took place while units of special guards, State Security Force (SSF) and club wielders of the regime were stationed behind the University and around the park.

Anti-regime demonstrations took place this afternoon in various locations in Mashhad including Ahmad-Abad, Rahnamai Square and Sajad Street.

In Sari, northern Iran, some 200 protesters chanted “Death to Khamenei,” “death to dictator” and “Khamenei shame on you, let go of our country” in Mo’alem Square and clashed with the suppressive forces. Three people were wounded in the clashes.

In Najaf Abad, central Iran, people clashed with plainclothes agents. Suppressive forces had to use teargas repeatedly to disperse the crowd.

In Bushehr, southern Iran, hundreds of protesters gathered in Imam Square and chanted anti-regime slogans.

In Shiraz, the regime’s authorities closed the university by force in fear of student protests. In Zahedan, dozens of students held a gathering outside the restaurant.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 12, 2010

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