Protests and clashes in Orumieh and Esfahan

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New Year’s Day 13 – No. 7

NCRI – A large crowd of protesters gathered on a bridge over the Orumieh Lake on Friday, on the occasion of the Day 13 of the Iranian New Year, Sizdeh-be-dar chanting anti-regime slogans. The suppressive forces fired teargas to break up the crowd and made several arrests. Demonstrators protested against reactionary policies of the regime and drying up of the well-known Orumieh Lake.

In Esfahan, anti-regime protests spread to various parts of the city. Protesters chanted “Down with dictator” in Moshtaq Park. The plainclothes agents who had infiltrated the crowd made several arrests in conjunction with the State Security Forces. Protesters also chanted “Down with Khamenei” and “Khamenei is a murderer, his rule is illegitimate” in Aineh and Kourosh Parks. There were also clashes between protesters and the suppressive agents.

On the eve of Sizdeh-be-dar last night, residents of Esfahan, especially in Abshar and Bozorgmehr streets, went on their rooftops and shouted Allahu Akbar.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 2, 2010

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