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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestProtestors in Tehran target the mullahs' Interior Ministry

Protestors in Tehran target the mullahs’ Interior Ministry

Protestors in Tehran target the mullahs’ Interior MinistryNationwide uprising – Statement 129

NCRI – According to reports by the Social Headquarters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) inside Iran, Thursday afternoon, large crowds started to march from Vali Asr Square in Tehran towards Fatemi Street and the Iranian regime’s Interior Ministry building. The regime’s agents were terrified at the prospect of protestors’ reaching the Interior Ministry, which led them to charge people with clubs, batons, daggers and knives several hundred meters away from the building.

Even though the Interior Ministry had a belt of security forces around it, the clashes between youth and suppressive forces lasted for a long while. Security forces had converged on Fatemi Street to confront the protestors and used tear gas and plastic bullets, which resulted in the wounding of a number of protestors.

At around 21:00 local time, at Pole Gisha, people commemorated the 40th day of the slaying of victims of the June 20th uprising, by chanting “It is a day of mourning; It is a day of mourning today.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 30, 2009