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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestProtestors clash with suppressive forces leading to hundreds of injuries

Protestors clash with suppressive forces leading to hundreds of injuries

 NCRI – According to information obtained from Tehran, large crowds across Tehran have flooded Enghelab Square and are headed to gather at Azadi Square. People have also joined the protestors from the city of Karaj.

State Security Force (SSF) agents, members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and plain-clothes agents have taken positions in close proximity to each other along the path of the protest. The regime’s suppressive forces have clashed with protestors, injuring a large number of them in the process.

The agents used water-spraying vehicles and anti-riot equipment, including tear gas, in order to disperse the protestors.

The mullahs’ regime has also cut off the mobile network and people cannot contact one another.

The Iranian people’s nationwide protests fall on the 28th anniversary of June 20th, which began the Iranian people’s resistance against the religious fascism ruling Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 20, 2009