Political prisoner executed under pretext of ordinary criminal

Nationwide Uprisings in Iran – Statement 98

The identity of another prisoner executed on July 1 revealed

NCRI – Saeed Allahyari, 23, a political prisoner, was executed as an ordinary criminal by the mullahs' regime.  He was among six prisoners executed on July 1.

He was arrested two years ago on charges of fighting with State Security Forces and was transferred to Gohardasht prison in Karaj.  In an effort to create fear and terror, the henchmen of the regime transferred Saeed Allahyari and Nasser Kheirollahi, another political prisoner, along with four others to Evin prison on June 30 to carry out their execution. They were hanged on July 1. State run media reported their crimes as murder.

The mullahs' regime has executed many political prisoners in the past on bogus charges of drug trafficking and ordinary crimes.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
11 July 2009

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