Paying Homage to Martyrs, Torching Pictures of Qassem Soleimani, Nightly Protests on 106th Night of Nationwide Uprising


Iran Protest-No. 210

Army role in crackdown admitted by military chief

On Friday night, December 30, the 106th night of the uprising, chants of “Death to Khamenei” echoed from buildings and rooftops in various parts of Tehran, including South Punak and Saadat Abad. The defiant young people set fire to the banners of Qassem Soleimani, former Quds Force Commander, on Hashemi Boulevard, Sattari, and Imam Ali highways in Tehran. In Kashan, the defiant youths tainted a large picture of Qassem Soleimani in red. The youth in Karaj lit fires on Danesh Amuz Boulevard and chanted anti-Khamenei slogans.

On Friday morning, the people of Izeh held a symbolic funeral ceremony for martyr Mahmoud Ahmadi, whose body had not been handed over to his family, and chanted “They killed our Mahmoud, refuse hand over of his corpse.” In fear of an eruption of protests and demonstrations, the regime refuses to hand over Mahmoud’s body to his family. He was killed in a clash with the agents of the IRGC, the Intelligence Ministry, and the State Security Force on December 20. The people of Khorramabad paid homage to Hossein Zarinjoi on his 40th day of martyrdom.

The people of Piranshahr held the ceremony on the 40th day of the martyrdom of Karvan Qadir Shukri with anti-regime slogans. Karvan, a 16-year-old student, was shot dead on November 20 by the IRGC forces.

In fear of the ceremonies of the 40th day of martyrdom of a number of victims in Javanrud, the regime dispatched a large convoy of suppressive forces from Kermanshah to that city.

In a statement that was made public on December 29, the regime’s army admitted its participation in the suppression of the uprising along with the IRGC and the SSF. The state-run website “Iran’s Martyrs”, December 29 wrote: “We are pleased that we have contributed to the crushing authority with the presence of the nation’s children as Army personnel. In fear of a military confrontation with these enlightened warriors, the enemy is only hoping to be able to deceive the youth and the teenagers.”

According to Tabnak state-run website, on November 9, Brigadier General Kiomars Heydari, Army Commander, had previously stated in reference to the nationwide uprising: “If these flies are not being dealt with today as the revolutionary society expects, it is because the revolution supreme leader (Ali Khamenei) has decided to. But the day he issues his order, they will definitely have no place in the country.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

December 31, 2022

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