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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestOpening fire on demonstrators, two government vehicles set ablaze

Opening fire on demonstrators, two government vehicles set ablaze

March 1 Uprising- No. 10

NCRI – During the brave March 1 uprising, people clashed with Iranian regime’s agents at various parts of Tehran.
At 7 p.m. near Enghelab (Revolution) Square, angry youths set two government vehicles ablaze after the regime’s agents attacked the demonstrators.

At 10 p.m. in Vali-e Asr Intersection, protesters chanted “Down with Dictator”.

In Roudaki Avenue, youths hurled hand grenades at the regime’s agents.

In Mohseni Square, the people spread in sporadic groups and clashed with the regime’s agents.

Before being transferred to prison, a number of those detained were temporarily held at a school named Ayatollah Sai’di located in the Fatemi – Vali-e Asr Intersection.

In various locations around the city Revolutionary Guards forces opened fire on demonstrators, wounding numbers.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 2, 2011