Night-time chants of ‘Allahu Akbar’ and ‘death to Khamenei’

June 2010 Uprising – 4

Night-time chants of “Allahu Akbar” and “death to Khamenei” and concentration of forces in part of Tehran 

NCRI – In fear of widespread public uprising, the Iranian regime has enforced new suppressive measures since June 10. The new measures took wider scale today. The suppressive forces have been put on full alert since this morning.

Widespread chants of “Allahu Akbar” and “death to Khamenei” on rooftops last night in Tehran and other cities doubled the regime’s fear.

In addition to the presence of suppressive forces in streets a large number of forces have been concentrated in the parking of Metro at the junction of Enqelab and Jamalzadeh streets, former US embassy, Imam Hossein Mosque in Imam Hossein Square, and Meqdad Bassij Base in Azadi Street.

In order to obstruct student protests, the university security forces known as ‘Herasat’ (branch of Ministry of Intelligence and Security, MOIS, in universities) have been increased in all universities. Bassij patrols have been launched around universities, especially Tehran University, Sharif Industrial University, Polytechnic University and University of Science and Technology.

The chants of “Allahu Akbar” and “death to Khamenei” could be heard in many places in Tehran including districts of Khazaneh, Shahr-e Ray, Shoush, Shahrak-e Gharb, Sadeqieh, Gisha, Pasdaran, Takht-e Tavous, Amir Abad, Mirdamad, Fatemi, and Vanak, and student dormitories in Amir Abad and Azadi streets.

A large number of suppressive forces entered the above districts and went onto many streets on their motorbikes but they could do nothing as people’s chants could be heard from many areas and top of many buildings.

Similar situation prevailed in many other cities including Esfahan and Shiraz and people expressed their disdain against the regime in their slogans.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 12, 2010

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