Mullahs’ vain attempt to prevent November 4 rally through suppressive measures

September 18, 2009 - TehranNCRI – The clerical regime in fear of eruption of the public outrage especially by students during the 13th of Aban (Novermber 4) rally, has been planning for widespread suppressive measures, according to reports by the Social Headquarters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) inside the country. The mullahs plan to prevent the repetition of the uprising that took place on Quds Day (September 18) by utilizing all its forces.

The repressive measures in Tehran are commanded by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps in Camp Saar-Allah. Numerous organs have been assigned to implements plans to contain, control and repress the November 4 rallies.

The so-called student branch of Bassij paramilitary force has been assigned to stage pro-regime rallies by mobilizing students and directing the slogans in the rally in favor of the mullahs.  According to the plan, Bassij has called on the Ministry of Education to dispatch 13,000 students to the rally.

The selected students will be organized in groups of twenty. They will not be permitted to carry any written material, placard or banner except those handed to them by Bassij force.  

University students Bassij paramilitary force is also planning to set up panels attended by the representatives of some of the student organizations affiliated to the regime and by doing so they want to make them not to take part in the November 4 rally.
University students Bassij paramilitary force are assigned with the task of diverting the slogans on the November 4 rally and not to let them to turn into anti-regime slogans and to identify and arrest dissident students and hand them over to the suppressive organs. 

Revolutionary Guard Brigadier General Reza Saraj and his deputy have submitted a plan code-named “Laneh beh Laneh,” which means “from one espionage nest to another,” a reference to the American embassy takeover in 1979. According to this plan a group of the regime’s agents gathered outside the former U.S. embassy building will be guided to the British embassy to chant against Britain and another group already standing outside the British embassy will move to the U.S. embassy to chant against the U.S.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 1, 2009

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