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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestMullahs threaten people in fear of November 4 mass demonstration

Mullahs threaten people in fear of November 4 mass demonstration

Anti-government protest in Iran, June 17, 2009NCRI – Commander of security forces warned against any unlawful gathering on November 4, state-run Mehr news agency reported on Sunday. Fearing mass anti-regime planned demonstration on Wednesday, Revolutionary Guard Ahmadreza Radan, deputy commander of the State Security Forces (SSF) said: “Any illegal gathering on November 4 will be dealt with harshly.”

Other leading figures of the regime’s suppressive forces have also been threatening people in recent days against participating in protests. Mohammad Ali Jaafari, Commander in Chief of the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) warned that “flames of fire are not yet put down and safeguarding the regime is even more important than daily prayers,” state-run news agency reported on October 29.

IRGC commander Ali Fazli had warned against “evil acts of centers of conspiracy” (Fars state-run news agency, October 27) and Jokar, head of Bassij Paramilitary students section said that “some who have been deceived are trying to take advantage of the situation” and pledged to neutralize “conspiracies.  Mullah Ahmad Janati, secretary of the regime’s Council of Guardian, had earlier expressed his fear of “plots” by opponents of the regime and stressed on the need for “the security and judicial apparatus” to deal with them further.

Threats by leaders of the Iranian regime in the run up to November 4 planned demonstration stems from their fear of repetition of the mass anti-regime demonstration on September 18, Quds Day, by people and youths which turned into a major display of hate and anger against the regime in its entirety.

Over the past month, various groups of people and students have been calling for a nationwide uprising on November 4.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 1, 2009