Mullahs’ Intelligence Minister threatens Rafsanjani

NCRI – On Thursday, May 2, Heydar Moslehi, the Iranian regime’s Minister of Intelligence and Security, threatened Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani, the former president and the head of Expediency Council
Moslehi said, “We have accurate information that this very gentleman [Rafsanjani] was involved in the sedition [i.e. 2009 uprisings].

“Just because the Revolution and the State did not restrict him as it did with two people (Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi) and allowed him to be free, he should not have wrong impression. The Revolution has not forgotten him and his role in the sedition,” he added.

Moslehi’s threats came in response to Rafsanjani’s remarks on Sunday, when he declared his readiness to stand as a candidate in the presidential elections.

Delivering speech in city of Qom, Moslehi said: “To those who advocate compromise,” “we say, negotiation with the U.S. is a red line for the State, and only the Supreme Leader can decide on that.”

Moslehi who is extremely worried about mounting public protests, stated: “Creating social, economic and security instability, depicting a bleak outlook for the country, stirring up emotions in society, tarnishing the image of the IRGC, the Basij and revolutionary institutions, attacking the leader and conveying despair and hopelessness to the people are amongst the other strategies of the enemy.”

Acknowledging the regime’s utter isolation among the Iranian people, Moslehi said: “One should not fear scarcity in numbers. In epic movements there is always a small group that influences a society and a nation.”

Moslehi and his ministry are under the complete control of Ali Khamenei. Two years ago when Mahmoud Ahmadinejad attempted to oust Moslehi, he was prevented by Khamenei.

On Monday April 29, Hossein Shariatmadari, a close associate of Khamenei wrote in the Kayhan daily editorial that undoubtedly the competence of Rafsanjani and Khatami will see them rejected from standing for election, because they are ‘the fifth column of the enemy’, ‘corrupt on Earth’, ‘traitors’ and that they should ‘await trial and punishment’.

As the sham election approaches, the Velayat-e faqih (Supreme Leader) is using all his abilities to remove rival factions from the scene, and to prevent the kind of public protests and uprisings of 2009 from recurring.

Non-public threats of the physical elimination of rivals, and public threats of the trial and punishment of Rafsanjani and Khatami, who are unwavering supporters of the Velayat-e faqih system and its constitution, expose the depth of the crisis within the regime and its own fear of its certain downfall.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 2, 2013

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