Mrs. Rajavi: Students Day uprising signals the inevitable demise of the mullahs in Iran

Mrs. Rajavi: People’s nationwide uprising on Students Day signals the inevitable demise of the mullahsNationwide Uprising – Student Day – No. 15

Mrs. Rajavi:

– People’s nationwide uprising on Students Day signals the inevitable demise of the mullahs
– Dealing and negotiating with this regime is devoid of all legitimacy and must be stopped

NCRI – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, praised the nationwide uprising of the Iranian people, and especially the brave youths and students, on Students Day (December7), and said: The flames of the vast upheaval that rage today in university campuses across the country, including the cities of Tehran, Esfahan, Shiraz, Tabriz, Mashhad, Rasht, Sari, Karaj, Kerman, Ahvaz, Oroumieh, Yasouj, Hamedan, Kermanshah, Ghazvin, Arak, Najafabad, Hormozgan, Maragheh, Marivan, Seqez, Boroujerd, Behbahan, and others, once more brightened for people everywhere the prospect of the inevitable downfall of the absolute rule of the clergy.

Mrs. Rajavi added: [Measures such as] the mobilization and war-like formations of the regime’s forces today on the central streets of Tehran, the besieging of university campuses, the forcible closing of some of the schools and businesses, and transferring the criminal agents of the paramilitary Bassij and plainclothes forces from various cities to the Iranian capital, could not contain the eruption of social protests. The determination of the brave youth, young girls and women who were at the forefront of the protests in many areas, has managed to defeat the monster of suppression.

The Iranian Resistance’s President-elect went on to say: The Iranian people’s uprising was thus strengthened as it enters its seventh month. Just a few hundred meters from the residence of the regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, the people of Tehran shouted “Death to dictator,” “Death to the principle of velayat-e faqih [absolute clerical rule],” “Death to Khamenei,” and “Khamenei is a murder, his rule is illegitimate.” They demonstrated that they seek the overthrow of the entire religious fascism with all its internal factions and groupings.

In the midst of the Iranian people’s uprising and as the clerical regime’s suppressive measures take broader dimensions on a daily basis, Mrs. Rajavi added, dealing and negotiating with this regime is devoid of all legitimacy and must be stopped. The international community must spurn the ruling mullahs in Iran. Any type of concessions offered to them would aid in the suppression of the Iranian people.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 7, 2009

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