Mrs Rajavi: Iranian regime fears the uprooting wave of people’s uprising thus preventing the ceremony to honour the martyrs

Feb. 14Uprising- No. 13

NCRI – Mrs Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, described attempts of the religious fascism ruling Iran to prevent the ceremony to pay tribute to Mohammad Mokhtari 22 and Sane’ Jaleh, martyrs of the heroic protests of 14 February, and to pretend them as supporters of the regime a wicked act which reveals the regime’s fear from the uprooting tempest of the people’s uprising. On Tuesday, the same fear was well reflected in the yelling of the clerical regime’s thugs in its parliament before the eyes of the whole world.

Addressing the UN Security Council and other relevant institutions of the United Nations as well as the European Union and the United States, Mrs Rajavi underscored, “Issuing diplomatic statements is not enough. It is time to adopt a firm policy and to make binding and effective decisions against the bloodthirsty rulers in Iran. She called upon the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and other relevant institutions of the United Nations as well as all human rights organizations to condemn these crimes and immediately campaign for the release of those arrested.

Mohammad Mokhtari, 22, was shot by deliberate shooting of the suppressive forces on 14 February and was killed the next day. According to eye witnesses, he was detained by suppressive agents of the regime while wounded in his shoulder and he died from bleeding due to delay in transferring him to hospital. He had already put a message on his face book, “Oh almighty let me die on my feet as I hate living in shame”.
Today, on Wednesday 16 February, suppressive forces of the regime savagely attacked the students and arrested them in large groups preventing them from to hold the ceremony in honour of Sane’ Jaleh. Concurrently, by sending its armed guards and thugs, who had come from other cities, the regime attempts to widely arrest the youth and students in order to prevent extensive protests of the people who are fed up and particularly that of the brave Iranian youth.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
16 February 2011

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