Mourning Groups in various parts of Tehran chanted “Death to the Dictator”

Ashura anti government demonstration- no. 1

Youth lash back at 5 security force agents in Shar e Ray distric

NCRI – During the mourning rituals of Tassoua and Ashura (the mourning days to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hossein) the residents of Tehran cried their abhorrence toward the velayat-e faqih regime in its totality by chanting anti-government slogans and writing graffiti as well as chanting ‘Allah-o Akbar’ on the roofs.


Around noon on Wednesday December 15, a mourning group chanted “Oh Hossein” or “Death to the Dictator” inside one of the metro stations.  The same group repeated their slogans at 1430 and 1700.
At 1300, the people in Nezam-Abad chanted ‘Death to the Dictator’ and booed the regime’s agents when they were walking out of the ‘Imam Hossein Mosque’.

At 1400, in Tehran’s railway station, a mourning group chanted ‘Oh, Hossein’, ‘Death to the Dictator’, ‘Allah-o Akbar’, and ‘the rule of Yazid (Imam Hossein’s murderer) will be destroyed’. Two people were injured during the clashes with the suppressive forces who were trying to disperse the people. At the same time, another group of youths chanting ‘Ashrua, Ashura, marking our martyrs’, called on other people to participate in the demonstration on Ashura, the next day.
At 1500 in Hafez Avenue, people chanting ‘Death to the Dictator’ clashed with the regime’s agents who were trying to arrest two people who were writing graffiti on the walls.
In Tehran-Pars (eastern Tehran), Intelligence agents of the regime clashed with one of the mourning groups.
Clashes spread to the nearby alleys. Subsequently, the people started to chant ‘Allah-o Akbar’ on the roofs.
At 1700 in Vanak square, the passengers of a minibus chanted ‘‘Allah-o Akbar, Iran has become Karbala (where Imam Hossein was killed)’.
At the same time in Enqelab Sq. the passengers of a minibus chanted ‘Rise up Muslim (compatriot), Iran has become Karbala’.

At 21.00 a number of youth who were under attack by security forces, lashed back and clashed with 5 members of the security forces of the Shah Abdol Aziz police force near Shar e Ray, smashing security car windows.
They were chanting” Down with Khamenei”. The sent out forces were caught aback  and unable to retaliate back. 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 16, 2010

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