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Most sluggish, humiliating sham elections in mullahs’ 33-year rule

Elections – No. 6

PMOI Social Headquarters Inside Iran reports from 17,000 ballot boxes in over 100 cities

NCRI – According to an accurate statistical evaluation based on eyewitness reports gathered by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran Social Headquarters Inside Iran from 17,000 ballot boxes throughout the country, the mullahs’ Majlis elections was the most sluggish, low-turnout and humiliating sham elections of the religious fascism ruling Iran in its shameful 33-year rule.

Based on these reports gathered from over 100 cities, participation in various cities did not even reach 3 percent. Boycott of these elections in Tehran and other major cities including Shiraz, Isfahan, Ahwaz and Tabriz was on a greater scale. Despite all the stage-setting measures, the mullahs’ state television even in the most crowded hours was not able to show scenes of large crowds in polling stations even from Tehran’s most populated areas.

Based on top secret reports of the mullahs’ Interior Ministry obtained by the Iranian Resistance, the number of participants in most cities was far lower than the last round of these elections held four years ago.

Fearing a large scale boycott, Khamenei had ordered in advanced for the number of participants in these elections to be announced at over 60 percent. In addition to implementing the necessary measures for rigging the statistics and issuing a fatwa encouraging the regimes forces to participate, in the first hour of the voting Khamenei went as far as describing these sham elections as “similar to prayers” and “an agreement with God”, and called on the people to take part in the elections “for the sake of country’s security and immunity”.

In this regard and under Khamenei’s orders, days before the elections the Guardian Council and Ahmadinejad had agreed on the method of increasing the number of voters and rigging the statistics in order to forge the elections to the utmost extent. The Interior Ministry announced there is no need for National Cards to vote and people can use IDs that may be old or even lack pictures.

To force the people to vote, the regime’s elements had spread rumors that receiving subsidies for each individual is subject to voting.

The amount of fraud in these elections, especially by the regime’s Revolutionary Guards and Bassij forces, and buying people’s votes reached a point where the regime’s own officials described it as a disgrace for the mullahs’ system. Due to the unexpected low-turnout in these shame elections, voting was increased for 5 hours in order to provide more time for fraud and vote-rigging.

The failure of these ridiculous elections, at a time when the mullahs’ regime is suffering from internal and external crises, will only intensify the regime’s incurable crises and accelerate its inevitable overthrow.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 3, 2012