Messages by the Resistance’s Leadership in Tehran, Other Cities:

Messages by the Resistance’s Leadership in Tehran, Other Cities:

Turn every alley and street into a bastion of uprising and revolt

On Wednesday, December 11, 2019, the Resistance Units posted pictures and banners carrying messages of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), and Mr. Massoud Rajavi, the Leader of the Iranian Resistance, in different parts of Tehran, including Hakim Expressway as well as Fatemi, Taleqani, Hafez and Jomhour streets and Narges Park.

The Resistance units carried out a similar campaign in several cities, such as Ahvaz (southwest), Kashan (south-central), Mashhad (northeast), and Kermanshah (west).

The activities took place despite the suppressive State Security Force, the IRGC and the Intelligence Ministry were on full alert.

The banners read: “Earth is shaking under the mullahs’ feet,” “Overthrow of the anti-human enemy is certain,” “Death to Khamenei, hail to Rajavi,” “It is time to multiply and expand rebellious units, districts, and cities,” “Sheikh has no choice but to suppress, but it is digging his own grave,” “We are entering the phase of preparedness,” “This uprising belongs to Iran’s fettered, yet freedom-seeking people,” “The strategy of Liberation Army has expanded nationwide,” “Mullahs must get lost,” “Supporting the youth and Resistance units is a patriotic and nationalist duty,” “Iran has arisen against mullahs’ absolute rule,” “The only answer to the Sheikh is fire,” and “Turn every alley and street to a bastion of uprising and revolt.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

December 12, 2019

Tehran – Hakim Expressway, Dec. 11, 2019

Maryam Rajavi: “Earth is shaking under the mullahs’ feet.”

Tehran – Hafez Street, Dec. 11, 2019

Maryam Rajavi: Iran has arisen against mullahs’ absolute rule.”

Tehran – Narges Park, Dec. 11, 2019

Maryam Rajavi: Turn every alley and street to a bastion of uprising and revolt,”

“Supporting the youth and Resistance units is a patriotic and nationalist duty.”

Tehran – Dec. 11, 2019

“Death to Khamenei, Hail to Rajavi.”

Tehran – Dec. 11, 2019

“Death to Khamenei, Hail to Rajavi.”

Tehran – Jomhur Street, Dec. 11, 2019

Maryam Rajavi: “Mullahs must get lost.”

Massoud Rajavi: “The strategy of Liberation Army has expanded nationwide.”

Tehran – Dec. 11, 2019

“Death to Khamenei, Hail to Rajavi.”

Tehran – Taleqani Street, Dec. 11, 2019

Massoud Rajavi: “The only answer to the Sheikh is fire.”

Tehran – Fatemi Street, Dec. 11, 2019

Massoud Rajavi: “It is time to multiply & expand rebellious units, districts, cities,”

Mashhad – Hejab Street, Dec. 11, 2019

Massoud Rajavi: “Sheikh has no choice but to suppress, but it is digging his own grave.”

Ahvaz – Dec. 11, 2019

“Death to Khamenei, Hail to Rajavi.”

Kermanshah – Dec. 11, 2019

Maryam Rajavi: “The uprising belongs to Iran’s fettered, freedom-seeking people.”

Massoud Rajavi: We are entering the phase of preparedness.”

Kashan – Dec. 11, 2019

Massoud Rajavi: “Overthrow of the anti-human enemy is certain.”


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