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MEK Supporters and the Resistance Units Commemorate Martyrs of the 1988 Massacre Throughout Iran

MEK Supporters and the Resistance Units Commemorate Martyrs of the 1988 Massacre Throughout Iran
Tehran, Tabriz, and Lahijan – MEK supporters commemorate martyrs of the 1988 massacre

“In the memory of 30,000 political prisoners”

“who stood up to the religious fascism.”

On the 32nd anniversary of the massacre of the political prisoners in 1988, Resistance Units and the young supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) paid tribute to the martyrs of the massacre. They called for the perpetrators of this heinous crime against humanity, who are now leaders and officials of this regime, to be brought to justice. They also expressed their abhorrence over the August 5, 2020 execution of Mostafa Salehi, a detained protester.

These activities were carried out in Tehran and many cities, including Isfahan, Islamshahr, Karaj, Varamin, Amol, Qom, Avaj (Hamadan), Esfarayen, Lahijan, Tabriz, Mashhad, Shushtar, Kashan and Zanjan.

Slogans and banners, written on walls ordisplayed in public during last week’s campaigns included: “Maryam Rajavi: The perpetrators of the massacre of nearly 30,000 MEK prisoners must be brought to justice”, “Maryam Rajavi: “Rebellious youth are inspired and motivated by the perseverance of the fallen heroes of the 1988 massacre,”, “We neither forgive nor forget the massacre of defenseless prisoners,”, “We demand accountability for the perpetrators of the 1988 massacre, a heinous crime against humanity “, “the 1988 massacre is the biggest unpunished crime against humanity,”, “Rise up to overthrow the clerical regime’s dictatorship,”, “Down with Khamenei, Hail to Rajavi,”, “We support the workers’ strikes,”, “Hail to the martyr of the uprising Mostafa Salehi,”, “Free Iran with Maryam Rajavi .”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

August 21, 2020

Tehran, Tabriz, and Lahijan – MEK supporters commemorate martyrs of the 1988 massacre
Isfahan and Esfara’yen- Maryam Rajavi The 1988 massacre is the biggest unpunished crime against humanity – August 17, 2020
Isfahan and Esfara’yen- Maryam Rajavi The 1988 massacre is the biggest unpunished crime against humanity – August 17, 2020
Isfahan and Esfara’yen- Maryam Rajavi The 1988 massacre is the biggest unpunished crime against humanity – August 17, 2020
Isfahan and Esfara’yen- Maryam Rajavi The 1988 massacre is the biggest unpunished crime against humanity – August 17, 2020
Isfahan and Esfara’yen- Maryam Rajavi The 1988 massacre is the biggest unpunished crime against humanity – August 17, 2020
Isfahan and Esfara’yen- Maryam Rajavi The 1988 massacre is the biggest unpunished crime against humanity – August 17, 2020
Isfahan and Esfara’yen- Maryam Rajavi The 1988 massacre is the biggest unpunished crime against humanity – August 17, 2020
Isfahan and Esfara’yen- Maryam Rajavi The 1988 massacre is the biggest unpunished crime against humanity – August 17, 2020
Isfahan and Esfara’yen- Maryam Rajavi The 1988 massacre is the biggest unpunished crime against humanity – August 17, 2020
Tehran, Mashhad – Maryam Rajavi The sacrifice of the martyrs of the 1988 massacre is the source of inspiration for those rising up in Iran today – August 17, 2020
Isfahan – Massoud Rajavi The evil ruling mullahs have mass murdered our people, just like our (political) prisoners – August 18, 2020