Massive Demonstrations of Brave People of Zahedan Despite Executions and Arrests

iran zahedan friday prayer protest 05052023 (1)

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi: Criminal executions and blind arrests have made Baloch compatriots more determined in their uprising for overthrow

The people of Zahedan took to the streets and demonstrated on Friday, May 5, following Friday prayers. The protestors chanted slogans such as “Khamenei is a murderer, our table is empty,” “Khamenei shame on you, let go of the country,” “Monarchy and Velayat; a hundred years of crime,” “Death to the  and “Death to the regime of execution,” “My martyred brother, I’ll avenge your martyrdom,” “we shall fight, we shall die, but we don’t accept humiliation,” “We swear on the blood of those fallen that we will continue this path to the end!” “I will kill whoever killed my brother,” Basiji, you are our ISIS,” and “Freedom, freedom, freedom.” Banners and placards carried messages such as “International organizations, hear the cry of the oppression of Baluchistan,” and “Solving the country’s problems by killing Baluch people, arrests, shootings, and executions!”

Despite the presence of IRGC guards around Makki Mosque and various streets of Zahedan, the demonstrations continued. The security forces had raided various areas of Zahedan in the past few days and arrested numerous youths. Meanwhile, Khamenei’s agents executed more than 20 Baluch prisoners in different prisons in the past 6 days.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi extended her greetings to the brave people of Zahedan and said, today’s brave rise showed that the criminal executions and blind arrests not only did not break the resolve of the Baluch compatriots in their fight against the mullahs’ regime but made them more determined in the uprising and overthrow.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

May 5, 2023

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