Maryam Rajavi: UN-supervised elections and rejection of clerical establishment in Iran

NCRI – Mir Hossein Moussavi met the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and issued a statement declaring allegiance to Khamenei’s “supreme rule”. He requested the annulment of the results of the sham elections and took part in the rally on Monday solely to calm the atmosphere. On this, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, said:

“We fully agree that the sham elections, which we boycotted from the outset, should be annulled. We strongly welcome the annulment of the void farce, which was illegitimate from the onset and was designed to deny the people’s sovereignty.”

“However, as the National Council of Resistance of Iran has repeatedly said over the past three decades, it should be replaced with free UN-supervised elections based on people’s sovereignty and not on the basis of the mullahs’ supreme rule. Thus, above all, the rule of the mullahs’ Supreme Leader (velayat faqih) must be rejected and removed – the same system that Moussavi had once again pledged allegiance to in his recent statement”.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 16, 2009

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