Maryam Rajavi: Clerics’ call for dismissal of Khamenei signals regime’s end

Deepening internal rift, which is upshot of the people’s uprising, becomes irreversible

Negotiating with, making concessions to and investing on the faltering illegitimate regime is tantamount to participation in the suppression of the Iranian people and is a policy doomed to fail

NCRI – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance described the call by many clerics for the dismissal of the regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, as a clear sign of the end of the ruling medieval dictatorship in Iran, an upshot of the Iranian people’s nationwide uprising, and the shattering of the spell of absolute clerical rule.

She said that the uprising, which has extended to the Tehran’s Bazaar in its third month, has led to the deepening, widening and irreversibility of the rifts and chasms within the Iranian regime as well as continuous and growing defections.

A group of clerics in Qom, Mashhad, and Isfahan sent an open letter to the regime’s Assembly of Experts on August 15 and demanded Khamenei’s dismissal. They declared that by transforming the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) into his own personal army and turning the radio and TV to his mouthpieces and advocates, Khamenei has made absolute clerical rule (“velayat-e faqih”) into a caliphate and clerical monarchy. They said under his rule strange events take place which not even the worst criminals have managed to carry out.

Prior to this, Mr. Montazeri, Taheri Esfahani, Bayat Zanjani, Dastgheib, and former members of the regime’s Majlis (Parliament) had also demanded Khamenei’s ouster. The former speaker of the mullahs’ Majlis, Mehdi Karoubi, revealed the religious fascism’s crimes committed in prisons and torture chambers, including violent rape against imprisoned young men and women. These rank among the same crimes and despicable fatwas issued by Ruhollah Khomeini, such as draining the blood of political prisoners sentenced to death and raping young girls before executing them in the 1980s, which the Iranian Resistance had previously exposed.

Clerics in Qom, Mashhad, and Isfahan wrote in their statement: The main party responsible for the clashes, violence, killings, and imprisonments during the recent election is the person of Khamenei and in view of the fact that such an individual is automatically out, any kind of delay by the Assembly of Experts in dismissing him, which would serve to uphold the prevailing situation and its consequences, will place its worldly and afterlife responsibility directly on the Assembly’s members.

On July 11, the Iranian Resistance’s Leader, Mr. Massoud Rajavi, issued a message to the Chairman and members of the Assembly of Experts as an “ultimatum” saying that as far as this regime and absolute clerical rule are concerned, just like the Shah's Monarchy, the water is already over the dam. In order to avert further corruption, oppression, and bloodshed instigated by Khamenei, he called on them to dismiss Khamenei, temporarily install Montazeri in his place in order to pave the way for free UN-supervised elections based on the principle of people’s sovereignty, and immediately, after adopting this decision, dissolve the Assembly of Experts itself and “rid yourselves and the clergy from this illegitimate institution.”

Mrs. Rajavi added: Neither the criminal attack against Camp Ashraf and the cruel killing of freedom fighters, nor the brutal suppression of the Iranian people by the IRGC, the paramilitary Bassij, plainclothes agents and the State Security Forces (SSF) on the streets, nor the shameful and shocking physical and psychological torture of people in hundreds of prisons and torture chambers in various parts of the country, nor the calls of the IRGC and malevolent and corrupt Friday Prayer leaders of the regime for the arrest and trial of Karoubi, Mir Hossein Moussavi and other individuals of the defeated faction, will suffice to resolve the troubles of Khamenei and his regime which is on the brink of collapse. On the contrary, these will only invigorate the fury and hatred of women, youth and the general public in Iran against the regime and will strengthen their resolve to continue the uprisings against it.

Addressing the international community and especially the UN, the EU and the US, Mrs. Rajavi said that they should refrain from further tying their policies vis-à-vis Iran and the region to this faltering regime. The continuation of appeasement, negotiations and concessions with this regime and any investments on it would have no legitimacy and is tantamount to participating in the suppression of the Iranian people. Such a policy will get nowhere and is doomed to fail.

Mrs. Rajavi demanded the immediate referral of the regime’s crimes dossier to the UN Security Council and severing of diplomatic and economic ties with the Iranian regime.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 17, 2009

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 17, 2009

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