Maryam Rajavi: 85 percent of Iranians boycott religious dictatorship’s election

Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of Iranian Resistance


Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of Iranian ResistanceMaryam Rajavi:
– 85 percent of Iranians boycott religious dictatorship’s election
– Iranian people’s big ‘NO’ to the clerical regime, social and political readiness for democratic solution
– Reappointment of Ahmadinejad would result in sudden rise in suppression, unbridled factional feuding, nuclear arms pursuit and warmongering

NCRI – The social headquarters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) inside the country announced that according to eyewitness reports from 25,000 polling stations across Iran, the real voter turnout was 7.5 million, and more than 85 percent of the 51.2 million eligible voters boycotted the mullahs’ sham presidential election.

The theocratic dictatorship, which has never allowed international observers to monitor elections in Iran, usually inflates voter turnout by 4 to 5 times. The Iranian Resistance has exposed this level of vote-rigging in previous election shams. The real level of support for the regime is no more than 3 percent, and the rest of the votes are either forged or the result of various threats and intimidations.

Quoting reliable sources in the election headquarters of the regime’s Interior Ministry, the Iranian Resistance on Thursday exposed a confidential directive by the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to announce voter turnout at 35 million and declare Ahmadinejad the winner in the first round.

Five days prior to the election, a group of sacked employees from the regime’s Interior Ministry released an open letter exposing astronomical vote-rigging at the election headquarters of the Interior Ministry in a special center for producing figures and forgery known as the ‘Tally Room’. These individuals said that in previous elections they witnessed various fiddling of figures and ballots, adding that in the past they “feared about losing our careers and kept silent, but we also felt guilty and that still continues.” They added that a senior cleric of the regime who was one of Tehran’s Friday prayers leaders had in a “secret meeting” asked them to rig the vote and “change the ballots” by misusing verses of the Quran. He had said that “for you as election officials obeying any order is obligatory” because “the religious decree to rig the votes has already been issued.”

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, described the boycott by 85 percent of Iranians as a ‘big NO’ by the people to the regime and all its discredited factions and an indication of the social and political readiness of the country for a democratic solution. Popular street protests especially by young people were more than anything an expression of opposition to a regime whose leaders admit that the charges exposed in recent television debates by the candidates were the same as those the Resistance had raised over the past three decades.

Mrs. Rajavi assessed that the reappointment of Ahmadinejad as the mullahs’ president would result in a sudden rise in suppression of opponents, widespread internal purge and factional feuding within the regime, redoubling of efforts to acquire nuclear weapons, rise in export of terrorism and fundamentalism, further meddling in Iraq and incitement of conflict in the region.

Fars news agency, affiliated to the regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), described the election result and reappointment of Ahmadinejad as the ‘third revolution’ and the beginning of a ‘major surgery’. Khomeini had described the US embassy takeover in Tehran and the American hostage crisis as the ‘second revolution’.

The President-elect of the Iranian Resistance added that appeasement of the ruling religious fascism in Iran by the West had led to a totally opposite result to what was widely publicized. Thus, in the view of the Iranian people, its continuation and any concession to the regime is rejected more than ever and considered in vain and against peace and security in the region and the world.

Revelations of scandals in the regime’s inner circles and escalation of infighting within the regime are a decisive blow to the regime in its entirety whose consequences would move the regime toward increasing crises and demise. Mrs. Rajavi concluded that this is the beginning of the end of the clerical regime which is an isolated and uni-polarized religious fascism.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 13, 2009

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