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Large number of people in Tehran wounded or arrested, government buildings set on fire

NArchive photo - Protests in Tehranationwide uprising – Ashura 5

NCRI – Anti-government protests and clashes have spread to vast areas in Tehran. Clashes in Vali Asr Street and around it are intense. The agents are firing into air and using teargas and pepper gas to disperse protesters and beat them with batons. In the course of today’s clashes a police van and number of government buildings and banks have been set on fire.

Despite heavy security measures, protests and clashes were taking place in Ferdowsi Square at around 13:00 local time with people chanting “Death to dictator” and “Our leader is a murderer – his rule is illegitimate.” Special Units and plainclothes agents have been attacking people with batons and pepper gas and using water cannons. A large number of people have been wounded or arrested.

Plainclothes agents backed by Special Units have blocked Hafez Bridge to Imam Hossein Square and people, especially women and girls, are attacked by the agents. At least four women and girls have been brutally beaten and wounded by the agents.

The situation is tense between Imam Hossein and 24 Esfand squares through to Azadi Square. People are not allowed to stand on sidewalks. People are chanting “Death to dictator” and vowing to fight to the end by shouting “We will not surrender to humiliation” and brandish V sign for victory.

Clashes in Enqelab Square and Palestine Junction still continue.

Demonstrators marching between Enqelab and Azadi squares were chanting slogans against Khamenei calling for his downfall. Many people have been wounded in brutal attacks by suppressive forces.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 26, 2009