Khamenei’s rep.: High election turnout more effective than bombing White House


NCRI – Fearful of nationwide boycotting of elections, Iran’s religious dictatorship has resorted to frenetic words. Abolnabi Namazi, Khamenei’s representative in Kashan, said, “The people turnout has more impact than bombarding the White House.”

Pointing to the “enemies’” efforts in preventing the people from going to the election poles, he said, “It is (religiously) indispensable for eligible voters to show up at the election poles.” (Mehr news agency, affiliated to Intelligence Ministry- June 12)

Meanwhile, Ali Akbar Velayati, Khamenei’s political advisor, neglecting the appeals and pressures of a number of Khamenei faction top members on him to withdraw from his candidacy, said, “ I will remain as a candidate in the scene to the end.”

He claimed to have a plan by which he would settle the calamitous situation of the country’s economy. Velayati underlined continuation of ominous nuclear projects and said, “ Undoubtedly we shall continue our nuclear achievements powerfully… we shall resist before the aggressors.”

In support of Basij forces, he said, “We shall support the ambitions of Basijis and those who in [the eight-year-long Iran-Iraq war] and in defense of the state… have always been on the scene, as well as the sincere Basijis.”

Velayati underscored that the most important criterion for his government would be to move in the line of Khamenei.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 13, 2013

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