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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIRGC and State Security forces clash in Urumieh Airport

IRGC and State Security forces clash in Urumieh Airport

Football spectators detained in Tehran

In an attempt to quell the people’s uprisings in Urumeih and Tabriz, the clerical regime dispatched a number of its suppressive forces’ commanders to Urumieh. One of the IRGC commanders on Friday, September 9th, insulted the people of Urumieh in his conversation with the city’s head of State Security Forces. This sparked a clash between the SSF and dispatched IRGC forces from Tehran. In this conflict that took place in Urumieh Airport many from both sides were injured and wounded and taken to the IRGC hospital in Urumieh. In this incident, upon the orders of the IRGC commander, the Urumieh airport was closed.

In Tehran, fans at a club soccer match between teams from Tehran and Tabriz in Azadi Stadium continued their protests after the game. SSF forces attacked the demonstrators, arresting dozens and transferring them to unknown locations in caged vehicles. At the beginning of the match, a number of youths who intended to enter the stadium were attacked by the suppressive forces with many being arrested. A number of Iranian Turks living in Tehran staged a protesting gathering and chanted slogans at the city’s Railroad Square.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 10, 2011