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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIranian Youths clash with regime forces at Azadi Square, Fatemi Square and...

Iranian Youths clash with regime forces at Azadi Square, Fatemi Square and Vali Asr Street

 Nationwide uprising – Statement 137

NCRI – According to reports by the Social Headquarters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) inside Iran, at around 18:00 local time, thousands of protestors were attacked by the Iranian regime’s suppressive forces in Vanak Square. But, protestors used surrounding streets to reconvene again at the Vali Asr and Fatemi juncture.

Extensive clashes have taken place between youths and anti-riot forces in Fatemi, Vali Asr and Takht-e Tavous streets. Young protestors chant, “Death to dictator,” and condemn the endorsement of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as president.

The courageous people of Tehran set up barricades and started fires on the streets to confront the tear gas shot by the regime’s suppressive forces. The forces have fired into the air to disperse the crowds, whose numbers grow by the minute. Around Fatemi Square, direct gun shots by the agents into crowds of young protestors have been reported.

At Azadi Square, street battles continue between the youth and suppressive forces. As soon as a gathering starts to form, large numbers of plainclothes agents move in and try to prevent it through violence.

Protestors use various tactics to block the movement of suppressive forces. They set up tire barricades at street entrances and have tied trees together with wires to obstruct movement of the guards.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 3, 2009