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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIranian Resistance calls for salvage of detained protesters in Zahedan

Iranian Resistance calls for salvage of detained protesters in Zahedan

NCRI – Following demonstrations and clashes which started last Sunday between the Iranian regime's suppressive forces and angry residents in Zahedan, provincial capital of Sistan-Baluchistan in southeast Iran, a large number of people were arrested. Among the detainees there are many young people whose whereabouts and state remain unknown.

The reason behind the angry protest and demonstration, which the regime is trying to blame on division between  Sunnis and Shiites, is the brutal repression of the deprived people in the province and specially the cruel discrimination against the Sunnis.

During the protests, the angry crowd attacked suppressive agents of the State Security Forces (SSF) and set fire to their vehicles. They also blocked the streets by setting fire to tires. The SSF agents and the Revolutionary Guards anti-riot special units attacked the protesters by firing into the crowd, throwing tear gas and beating them by batons.

To control the riots, the SSF and special units have been stationed in different parts of the city and an undeclared martial law is in force in Zahedan.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all human rights organizations, advocates of freedom of belief and religion as well as the relevant UN rapporteurs and competent bodies to condemn the systematic suppression prevailing in Sistan-Baluchistan. It also calls for urgent actions to free detained protesters in Zahedan.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 10, 2008