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Iranian Resistance calls for release of protesters in Urumieh and Tabriz apprehended in recent days uprisings

NCRI – Following courageously uprisings of the people in Urumieh and Tabriz over recent days, the mullahs’ regime’s suppressive forces arrested a big number of youths, former political prisoners and other dissidents.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the Security Council, UN Secretary-General, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Special Rapporteurs on arbitrary arrests  and other relevant international organizations and authorities to take urgent action for unconditionally release of all political prisoners, particularly recent arrestees in Eastern and Western Azerbaijan provinces.

During suppressive forces’ crackdown on protests staged against repressive and devastating policies of the religious fascism ruling Iran, including inattention to running dry of Urumieh lake,  a number of protesters were injured.

In order to prevent the spread of protests, which started on Thursday August 25, groups of anti-riot police had been stationed in main streets and in front of large stores threatening people to avoid any gathering and compelling the shopkeepers to close down their shops. Nevertheless, brave youths of Urumieh poured into the streets and by throwing stones and setting fire to tires confronted the savage assault of suppressive forces.

Protesting people set ablaze at least two motorcycles belonging to regime’s forces. Main clashes burst out in the street called ‘Imam’ and then spread to ‘Ataii’ and ‘Asgarabadi’ streets.  Several people were injured due to direct shots of tear-gas and blows by regime’s agents. Mullahs’ intelligence agents attacked the hospitals, including Motahhari hospital, to arrest the injured.
Also on Saturday, August 27, the people in Tabriz gathered at Shahnaz square and outside ‘Khaneh Mashrooteh’ chanting against mullahs’ dictatorship. The repressive forces were stationed at main locations of the city such as Golestan Garden, Shahnaz square, Goonga Bashi, Bazaar, Aghazi Bazaar, Ferdowsi Ave. and Abressan sq. to prevent the spread of demonstration. Most shopping centers were evacuated and closed forcefully. The regime’s plain-clothes agents broke shop windows to create an atmosphere of terror and fear. Tear-gas shots against the people led to their clashes with the State Security Force (SSF) agents. Several demonstrators were injured and some others were arrested.
In addition to Urumieh and Tabriz, at least seven people, most of them students, were arrested in Miando’ab. Also, a number of former political prisoners and political activists were arrested in Ardabil.
The faltering regime of mullahs, frightened of the fate of Libyan dictator and spread of uprisings in Syria, has found intensifying suppression as the only way to prevent enflaming of popular uprisings and protests.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 30, 2011