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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIranian regime's Judiciary official announces imminent execution of 9 political prisoners

Iranian regime’s Judiciary official announces imminent execution of 9 political prisoners

 NCRI – Ebrahim Raeesi, First Deputy to the Iranian regime’s Judiciary Chief falsely claimed on Tuesday that the two political prisoners executed on January 28 had been arrested in "recent riots." Moreover, in a bid to create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation prior to the planned uprising on February 11, he added: "Nine others [detained protestors] will be executed soon." He emphasized that all the necessary measures to prevent “riots” on February 11 have already been taken.

Raeesi, a former member of the "death commission" and one of the mullahs’ main officials responsible for the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988, underlined "the firm actions of the Judiciary in dealing with rioters, those who disrupt people's security as well as those who target the foundation of the establishment." He said, "Our Judiciary has firmly marshaled all its forces and has placed the identification of the agents of the recent seditions on its agenda." He emphasized that "the Judiciary's approach is to deal with these cases as soon as possible" and "we will continue on the path of confronting rioters until the end and will root out the source of the sedition" (Fars News Agency, February 1, 2010).

The mullahs' criminal prosecutor has described the charges of the 11 political prisoners sentenced to death and some others who have been put on trial as "moharebeh [waging war on God] by way of supporting and having contacts with the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), forming associations and collusion with the intention of criminal conduct disrupting the security of the country … propaganda against the establishment and in favor of the PMOI, enemies, and terrorists …"

The mullahs' regime is trying in vain to prevent the continuation, deepening and expansion of Iranian people's uprising by resorting to executions, imprisonment and torture. However, these crimes will only strengthen the Iranian people’s resolve to continue their uprising until the change of the regime in its entirety.

The Iranian Resistance emphasizes that any delay on the part of the international community in adopting firm measures against this regime's atrocities would only encourage the mullahs’ regime to continue and intensify brutal suppression and killings of the arisen Iranian people and youths. It calls on the United Nations Secretary General, the UN Security Council and all relevant international organizations to adopt urgent and binding decisions to free political prisoners and to put a stop to their torture and execution.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 3, 2010