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Iranian people will boycott sham presidential election

The National Council of Resistance of IranNCRI – The Iranians will decisively boycott the Iranian regime’s illegitimate presidential election next month as they have done with previous elections. By doing so, they will once again reject the religious fascism ruling Iran.

Elections under the clerical rule are merely another means to consolidate the religious fascism’s domination over the country, while settling the share of power among factions. The common denominator for factions is their involvement in murder and suppression of the Iranian people, plundering the national wealth, as well as exporting terrorism and fundamentalism abroad. That is why the Iranian nation’s response to such theatrics, which are performed under the banner of elections, is nothing but a boycott. No one except the regime’s cohorts who play a part in the mullahs’ suppression and plunder will participate in the regime’s sham elections and they only make up less than 3 percent of the entire population. Contributing to such theatrics is tantamount to helping the inhumane clerical regime advance its suppressive and terrorist agenda.

The Iranian regime’s leaders know full well that even the smallest degree of genuine respect for popular will would translate into accepting free elections, which would allow the Iranian people to brush them aside immediately and for ever. That is why in the face of repeated calls by the Iranian Resistance throughout the past three decades for free elections under the UN auspices and in the context of popular sovereignty, the regime has only responded by more suppression.

The mullahs’ Supreme Leader controls all the levers of power within the clerical regime, and the president is simply a puppet. In accordance with Article 110 of the regime’s constitution, the Supreme Leader formulates the regime’s policies, and is responsible for appointing senior commanders of the military, police and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), as well as the highest judicial authorities, the head of the state-run radio and TV, and the clerics of the Guardian Council. The Guardian Council, according to Articles 93 and 99 of the constitution, monitors all elections and vets all candidates. Election laws stipulate that all elected officials must “be spiritually devoted to the Supreme Leader and obligated to him in practice.”

The results of next month’s sham presidential election have already been predetermined by the mullahs’ Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei. He has set the stage for astronomical ballot fraud, declaration of false and over-exaggerated statistics on turnout, and finally declaring the desired candidate as the winner.

The IRGC is the main instrument and driving force for Khamenei’s ominous agenda and directs the course of events during elections. Four years ago, it was the IRGC, which in accordance with Khamenei’s wishes secured Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s victory. This time around, Khamenei, who is certain of the nationwide boycott of the elections by the Iranian people, has officially demanded the involvement of the IRGC’s Bassij Force during the elections in a bid to administer widespread fraud.

The main candidates in this election expose the true nature of the regime’s sham election. Among them are Ahmadinejad, the mullahs’ current president, Mohsen Rezai, former commander of the IRGC, Mehdi Karoubi, former Majlis (Parliament) speaker, and Mir Hossein Moussavi, former Prime Minister during the 8-year war with Iraq and one of the leading elements involved in export of terrorism and execution of political prisoners including the massacre of 30,000 prisoners in the summer of 1988.

For many years, these candidates have occupied the highest posts within the regime and rank among the most criminal individuals in Iran’s contemporary history. Considering any criteria, they must all be tried for crimes against humanity.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 12, 2009