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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran: Workers' protests against non-payment of their wages

Iran: Workers’ protests against non-payment of their wages

 NCRI – Workers at Ahvaz Pipe Mills Co. held a gathering for the second day running on Wednesday October 21 outside the governorates office to protest against non-payment of their wages and bonuses for the past 10 months.

Protestors were chanting, “Living in Iran is our indisputable right,” “Government of coup d'état, resign, resign,” “Death or justice,” “With God’s help, victory is close, death to the deceitful government” and “We will not surrender to humiliation.” Members of public joined the workers in their protest.

On the same day, workers at Mahyaman factory in Mourcheh Khourt Industrial Zone of Esfahan staged a protest against ten months delay in payment of their wages and bonuses. They had gathered outside Esfahan governorates office.

Other labor protests in various cities are as follows:
– Sacked workers in Govah Company, manufacturing heavy tools and machineries, protested against being unfairly laid off;
– More than 200 workers in Khorramshahr bus line company protested against four months delay in payment of their wages and bonuses;
– Workers at long distance communications devices’ factory in Shiraz held a protest against delay in payment of their wages for the past eight months and the wages due to them since 2007.

Workers in Wagon Pars of Arak and Haft Tapeh sugar cane factory in Khuzestan province have also been protesting against delay of two months in payment of their wages.

These are part of the activities of deprived workers in Iran in protest against their state of living and the hardship that their families are going through.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all international trade union movements to condemn anti-labor measures in Iran under the clerical rule and support the workers just demands.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 24, 2009